Just be you.

Trying to be yourself isn’t always easy, because not everyone will like who you are and Trying to please everyone is impossible, because really, do you know how many people are on this earth!?.

I saw this quote on Facebook and it really hit home “people will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won’t notice their behaviour that made you change”.

Just in the past 3 months so many relationships in my life have changed, some good, some bad. I noticed my self having a hard time dealing with some of the lost relationships, constantly feeling angry and wanting to just let everything I have bottled up to say out, and I thought it would make me feel better, but I’ve come to realize it’s not the anger that’s getting to me, it’s the hurt. It’s hard to explain how much it hurts when someone you once loved very much betrays you so badly to the point where you will no longer allow yourself to fully open up to the people who do truly love you, who you know will NEVER do something like that to you.

You change to try and be this person you think people want you to be, because clearly if people you were that close with are betraying you then you must not be good enough..

but that’s why I’m here to say you are good enough, it may have taken me months and my amazing husband telling me over and over again how amazing I really am to realize that, but better late then never. Although the hurt is still there, the anger isn’t and that’s important because if something can make you feel that way for so long is it really worth it? The right people are around, you just have to want to see it and to let them in!

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